Friday, September 25, 2009

Silly Story – Tarantella story

***So I want to begin with what happened yesterday… I had my first encounter with a tarantella… and it was crawling up my arm.
I went into the laundry room in the dark to get something. I brushed up on the tied hammock. I started to feel something going up my arm. I had no clue what it was. I screamed/cried and did a ridiculous dance. My host family thought I was dying. They said they never heard a scream like that. My host mom did not know what to do. My host brother Celestino saw the tarantella and brushed it off. I was grossed out the rest of the night (thinking bugs and insects were crawling on me!) I am not scared of spiders; however, I do not want tarantellas crawling on my skin! ****

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