Thursday, August 11, 2011

Home for my 25 bday!

Wednesday June 29, 2011
Landed in Philadelphia!!! Andrew (my wonderful boyfriend… who paid for my trip home!) picked me up from the airport. We had a lovely lunch in Philadelphia at a sushi restaurant! Then we walked around Historical Philadelphia. Afterwards we went down to the shore and hung out with Evan (who I hadn’t seen in a 2 years!) and Bear!

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In the states for a 10 day visit!

Tuesday June 28, 2011
Flew home and spent the night at the Holiday Inn in Miami.

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WID/GAD Meeing!

Monday June 27, 2011
Today was a WID/GAD  (Women in Development/Gender and Development) meeting in Belmopan (the capital). I attended for the section of GLOW camp. I am getting excited for camp in July! My GLOW girls have fundraised all year to attend camp. I know many PCVs have worked really hard so that Camp GLOW is Amazing this year!

The meeting was very long, but productive!

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Delver’s Christening and 1st birthday!

June 26, 2011
Today was Delvers Christening and 1st birthday!  It was so nice… I remember when Virgina was pregnant with him and now he is already celebrating his 1st birthday. Time is flying too quickly for me here in Belize.

Delver and his godmother!

After the Christening I had to head up Belmopan for a WID/GAD meeting at the Peace Corps Head Quarters and for me to travel back to the states for a week vacation.

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Erica Comes to Laguna!

June 25, 2011

Erica another PCV came today to Laguna to help me organize my things and my life! ;) Throughout the two years of being here in Belize I have accumulated a lot of things. I am going home in a few days (just for a visit/vacation) and I am bringing two suitcases to drop off things I won’t need any more here in Belize but will want when I get home in a few months. So Erica helped me sort, which was really helpful! Thank you Erica! Erica is a wonderful person I am so happy to have met! She is always there for me whether she lets me stay at her house or listens to me vent!

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School Party and End of the Year Clean up

Thursday and Friday June 23 and 24, 2011

Surprisingly the standard 6 graduates still come back to school for the last two days even though they have graduated. I find that weird (I did not have my preschoolers come back after they graduated).  The Std. 6 and all the primary school students come back for the end of the year party (rice and beans and chicken… more food!!) Also Friday was dedicated to cleaning and organizing.  Teachers and students are getting ready for the next school year. 2 out of the 4 teachers will be back. Mr. Garcia (my principal and counterpart) will be back as well as Ms. Rose (who I love!).  I love Ms. Melanie and Ms. Filberta too… I am sad they are leaving Laguna Government School. Ms. Melanie is going to move to the states; she already has a possible job lined up because she has family and friends in LA. Ms. Filberta is going on study leave. She is going to get her associates in primary education. Belize offers study leave to their teachers to increase their education. I think it is a wonderful program. These teachers still get a salary and get to study at the University of Belize… this is to improve the education system and teachers of Belize! I will miss them though. I hope to keep in touch with them since they both have facebook and emails!

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So Proud of my PRESCHOOLERS!!! Happy Graduation!

Wednesday June 22, 2011
Today was the Standard 6 and Preschool Graduation. There were 9 Standard 6 graduating and 6 preschooler graduates! Overall the graduation ran very smoothly!!! I was very pleased

Oh my gosh after the graduation there were so many parties the 4 teachers and I were invited to…

1-      Shols (who served chicken, rice and beans, potato salad and plantain- juice with sprite in it)

2-      Cucul (tamales with chicken inside- all sorts of soft drink)

3-      Ico (chicken caldo with corn tortilla and ground food with lime juice)

4-      Pops (chicken caldo with corn tortilla with soft drink)

5-      Acks (pork with rice and soft drink)

6-      Saculs (pork caldo with pooch and soft drink)

I ate a tiny bit at each house…. It was a privilege to be invited to 6 parties. The year before I was only invited to 1 party because all the parties were at the same time. This year they were spread out throughout the whole day. PS The K’ekchi culture thinks you are rude if you don’t eat what they prepare… so that is why I have gained the 15lbs… I can’t wait to lose it when I get back to the states!!! Too much food!... but, I am very happy for the new graduates!

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Workshop that never happened…

Monday June 20, 2011
Today Austin, my principal, and I planned to have a teacher training workshop on Reading Diagnostic assessments. It didn’t happen because of the hectic schedule of the last week of school. (Teachers were in and out of the village due to ministry requirements and then they spent the whole afternoon handing report cards to parents, plus planning for graduation.)

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Father's Day... and a Village Wedding

Sunday June 19, 2011
Happy Father’s Day DAD!!!! Thank you for EVERYTHING! You are Amazing!

Also, this father day’s is Ana and Pedro’s wedding! Ms. Maria decorated their cake (GORGEOUS!) I told her she should start her own bakery or restaurant. She is an amazing cook.

So the day before the wedding the village helps kill the pigs, chickens and helps make tortilla and pooch (corn masa boiled).  Their wedding was very nice…. 3 hour church service (includes wedding and christening of their baby girl Kira); then a reception party at the parent’s house.  The village and church is invited to eat caldo (a kind of soup with chicken or pork in it) with pooch. Afterwards usually goes home around noon. They share the cake with just the immediate family and open the gifts in private. Surprisingly at K’ekchi weddings there is not much dancing that happens. Weddings here in Belize are a big to do and a lot of work. I was talking to one villager, Ms. Gloria, and she said in the states weddings are much easier because everything is catered!... She has a point, but I told her it is still a lot of work in the states too.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

New PCVs Welcoming Breakfast! And Lova Boy!!!

Friday June 17, 2011
The new 2011 PCV class just got inducted in as official volunteers last week. This week they are in their sites settling in! Toledo PCVs decided to have a welcoming breakfast for the new volunteers to introduce ourselves for some of us that haven’t met all them yet!

It was a wonderful breakfast that Michelle prepared at her house. We all got to chat and bond over breakfast and coffee ;)

Later that night a few PCVs and I met Lova Boy (a super popular performer in Belize) he sings the popular song  Tornado… all the kids in my village love this song and do all the dance moves to the song… even lilly one of my 3 year old preschoolers!
PS We were also celebrating Lilly’s birthday! Happy Birthday Silly Lilly!
Lilly and Me (in the taxi!)

Jay and Lova Boy

Darell and Lova Boy

Mallory, Lilly, Me and Lova Boy!

Amy and Dominoes!

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Austin’s Last Site Visit

Wednesday June 15, 2011
Today Austin (my boss- the Peace Corps Education Program Manager) came to Laguna for my last site visit! I can’t believe it!

I was very disappointed after my site visit. I personally felt that he gave me no credit for opening and running a preschool for the past year. What I heard him saying was that I should have been more focused on workshops and teacher training because that was my primary project and I was too focused on Laguna’s preschool.

It was the last week of school and he wanted me to give one last workshop on reading diagnostic assessments, which was fine with me (because I gave this workshop to the teachers before). I like giving workshops; however, I know the teachers don’t want it. They are busy with final exams, report cards, and graduation. Therefore, the workshop never happened… even thought I was completely ready to give the teacher workshop. Other than me feeling that he didn’t think I was doing my job the site visit went well. He met with my principal (counterpart) and he said that I was doing well. Austin also met with my neighbor (landlord) and that also went well because Ms. Theresa told Austin that I was really focused on my projects and that I usually spend most of my time in the village working. Austin lastly met with my Women’s Group chairlady and that sounded as if it was a good interview also. Ms. Rosa (chairlady) wants to have another Peace Corps Volunteer to possibly help the women continue with strengthening the women’s business of cuxtals (hand bags), crafts and jewelry. I also was trying to tell Austin how fabulous my women’s group trainings have been. However, he didn’t seem interested. He was just focused on my primary project (teacher training).

I was really down, but other PCVs helped me realize that I was doing a lot of work here in Laguna and the work I have done was beneficial to what the village wanted and needed! So I feel a bit better.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Preschool Graduation Parent-Teacher Meeting

Monday June 13, 2011
Today I had a teacher-parent preschool meeting. We discussed if the parents agreed to a preschool graduations. YES! They did. At the meeting was Mr. Garcia (principal), me and the preschool parents. Only the mom’s showed up, except for one father (Mr. Dan Shol). I was glad he was there because he took control and translated everything I and Mr. Garcia said because we both don’t talk that much K’ekchi. It helped the moms make decisions faster and clearly understand because the information was presented in their first language thanks to Daniel Shol.

What was also discussed was what the preschoolers would wear and if there would be a preschool graduation fee. Yes, there was a fee because the parents wanted the diplomas framed and I would find the frames. The parents also discussed the graduate girls would wear pink dresses and the boys would wear black pants and a white dress shirt. We planned well. I am getting very excited for the graduation!

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Exams, Report Cards, Diplomas, Year Books…. End of the Year Fun!

June 6 -10, 2011
This week the teachers at Laguna Government School are beginning to have review week for the students because their final exams begin on June 9. I am having a busy busy week because I am trying to prepare for the preschool graduation as well as the standard 6 (grade 8) graduations. The principal and parents of Laguna voted that it would be a joint graduation at the house of prayer. 

I am very excited for Chabil Chahim Laguna Preschool to have its first preschool graduation! I am so proud of  my 6 little graduates! The preschool has been my big project this year! I am almost finished the yearbooks and diplomas I made for the preschoolers.  They are turning out so well!

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