Friday, May 7, 2010

Sick w/ Bronchial Asthma from the dust outside or in my house

Thursday April 29, 2010

I woke up sick with fever, sore throat, runny nose and sneezing… ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Friday April 30, 2010

I texted all my scuba girls and told them I would not be able to scuba this weekend because I was VERY SICK! Plus, you are not supposed to scuba with a little cold or allergy because you cant equalize… and I was way worse than a little cold.


Saturday May 1, 2010

Today I woke up still feeling like crap. I tried to do normal things… clean and bathe etc. But still felt awful. By the night time my cough was getting really bad.

Emily texted me and said that Bryan was going back to Belmopan in a PC vehicle tomorrow. I said I will go if I don’t feel better in the morning. I wanted to go to Belmopan to see Nurse Jackie… hoping she would cure me… I have been sick for too many days.

Sunday May 2, 2010

I went with Bryan and his wife Marla up to Belmopan. We had some very good conversation about my projects and my village. Even though I was very sickly I enjoyed my ride up to Belmopan with them.

I spent the night in the Garden City hotel… however, didn’t sleep much because of my cough and this wheezing sound that my chest was making.

Monday May 3, 2010

I met with Nurse Jackie today. She couldn’t believe how sick I was. She said if I would have waited any longer I would have been in the hospital… because I wouldn’t be breathing.

She said I have Bronchial Asthma. She gave me a liquid cough syrup, and syrup to clear my lungs, and pills for the infection… that I have to take until I go onto my trip May 13.

She told me I need to stay in Belmopan for a few days so she can monitor me.

Tuesday May 4, 2010

I went back to see Nurse Jackie. Not much improvement yet. She wanted me to get a blood test. So kent took me to get one. I thought I was getting better with my weak stomach. Well I was wrong. After they took my blood I turned white as a ghost and broke out in a cold sweat… uhhhh I hate that feeling. I asked for a bag. They gave me one; however, I didn’t need it because I didn’t vomit thank goodness!!!

Wednesday May 5, 2010

Today I am finishing up my blogging in the Garden City Hotel. It feels good to be catching up. I am still not feeling my best, but Nurse Jackie said I could head home.

So I am going to finish my blog, shower, pick up a few items, and then catch the bus at 4pm. (Another 6 hour ride home!)

I am actually not going straight home because Laguna is not on the highway. It is 4 miles in and I am not going to walk that with my bags and sickness. So I am going to stay with Emily at Forest Home. Miss Melanie will bring me into the village tomorrow for school.

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Breaking and Backing Corn

Wednesday 28, 2010

Today I went back to the farm. Jaunita and I went to see the men breaking and backing corn. This was a much longer and hillier walk then the previous day.

Then men are REALLY HARD WORKERS!!! I could not get over it. They were out in the corn fields breaking the corn off the stalks and carrying it back to the house. It is heavy and they carried sooo much. Everything was done by man. I give these guys a lot of credit. (Physically they are in great shape and very strong).

There was a lot of dust out there... which might be the cause of my future sickness.... however, Belizean's blame my sickness on the heat.

Heading to the Corn Field in our 'uk and po'ot (skirt and blouse)

The Women baking the corn tortillas and chicken caldo

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Learning how to make Coxtals

Thursday April 27, 2010

Today Juanita taught me how to make coxtals. It is very neat. I tried, but I am not that great yet. However, I will definitely continue trying because these bags are super useful!

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Chopping on the Plantation

Tuesday 27, 2010

Super cool day (not literally…. It is still HOT in Belize!) Today I went chopping with the Saculs. They have to chop their plantation and then wait 3 weeks until it dries. Then they will burn it and finally start planting on it again.

I got to see and help the guys chop the plantation. They are such hard workers.

I went with Jaunita... she does an excellent job making sure I experience the K'ekchi life!

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Just a normal day in Belize

Monday 26, 2010

Today was a normal day at school. I am just trying to get caught up on my scuba reading; since I have my last half of the course this weekend.

It has been a little over 8 months since I arrived in Belize...

 Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

OH MY it is HOT HOT HOT in Belize

Sunday April 25, 2010

I was supposed to go today to PG for Erica’s and Kristen’s birthday. They were having a huge fun party at christens house. We were supposed to dress as high school stereotypes (I was going to go as a dork!) However, when I woke up it was literally boiling out. It was so HOT and HUMID I couldn’t even leave my house. I said I would wait to catch the 4pm bus. Thinking that maybe it would cool down a bit. Yet, when I went to ride my bike to the junction at 4pm to catch the bus it started to down pour rain!!! So I missed the party… because of the terrible weather. I have never in my life felt a day so hot in my life!!!

It was about 100 degrees, but felt like 115 degrees! I never experienced this ever!

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Education Meeting in Belmopan

April 20-22, 2010

There was an Education Meeting in Belmopan. I was up there for a few days. It was very beneficial. I got to hear what other education volunteers are doing. It made me feel better because now I see a more clearly that I am not the only one have more challenges than successes.

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The Beginings of Laguna's Women's Group

April 19, 2010

I finished my Women’s Group Mothers-to-Mothers Grant Proposal for $2500.00  That was a huge weight off my shoulders. I really hope we get it!!!

I am involved in both the Maya Toledo Women's Council and Laguna's Women's Group. The women's group is under the umbrella of Toledo Maya Womens Council (TMWC) Organization. Leonora and I work with both the Women's group and the TMWC. We both live in Laguna Village community.

I am active in their group to help the women with skills they need to become active citizens in the community. Their goal is to increase revenue from their crafts. However, they need training in literacy, technology, and marketing skills. I help them with their reading and writing skills (I give trainings, which are called Literacy for Action Trainings.) I can help them in literacy skills. However, I have limited knowledge of marketing and bussiness skills. Therefore, I hope this grant can help them receive the marketing skill and bussiness skill training that they need to generate income into the Laguna village.

The Laguna Women's Group need a jump start to marketing their crafts and the TMWC is there to support the group. These women are a strong group of women who gather every Thursday. They have talent in creating cuxtals, baskets, and jewelry, but once it is created they have limited skills in selling it. This is a need in the community. Unemployment is very high in the community. As tradition with the male control over finance they are seeking a way to help support their families even when the male fails to provide the neccessities for the family.

The women's group is motivated to sell their crafts. However, they do not have the proper training to market them successfully. They hope to get more training to learn how to make better quality cuxtals, baskets, and crafts. With this grant we will search for the services and training in bussiness, marketing, and technology to achieve the income generating project goals.

Summary of the Laguna Women’s Group:

The women of Laguna have great skills and assets in their craft making. Yet, they do not know how to use it to their benefit. Right now the Laguna Women's Group have limited funding to market their crafts, and lack of knowledge and facilities that would enable the women to expand their craft market for the products they produce. With this grant the women also want more knowledge of new technologies or opportunities to create a business and market their cuxtals. The women need training in marketing and technological skills that will enhance their market. The women need and want this opprortunity. The trainings will ensure sustainabiltiy. The women have little capacity to earn an income. Therefore, these trainings are essential for the women. Learning how to market their products will help their financial security for women and children of Laguna.

Overview of proposed project:

The women of Laguna will receive training from the Toledo Maya Women’s Council trainers in marketing cuxtals, baskets, and jewelry. They will learn how to make excellent quality crafts. Therefore, their will be numerous trainings on business, marketing, and quality of crafts. The marketing skills that they will learn will help the women decide how they want to develop their group and organization that can facilitate input supply, storage, processing, and marketing.

After that they will learn where to market their items. Either in different villages or towns as well as the internet. Hopefully, with this grant we could get a stall or booth to sell in town.

Also, the women will need computer and literacy training. Hopefully through the internet they will create linkages and relationship with communities and people who are interested in purchasing their crafts. Confidently with technology the women can receive technical assistance in developing products and maybe even service delivery mechanism. Leadership trainings will also be useful for the women to be assertive in their village and in their business development. Also, I, as the Peace Corps Volunteer, plan to support, monitor, and folow up on all trainings and services the women receive.

How our project will improve the health and well-being of the women and children:

Once we receive support from the grant they will be able to generate income on their own! Once the women are able to raise the money needed then they can give back to the community. For example, raise the productivety of labor, such as clean water education and health facilities and social intermediation, which increases the capacity of diasadvantaged people, especially women, to more fully realize their potential and importance in society.

How this project fulfills an unmet need:

The project will help bring in money to hopefully achieve poverty reduction. Also, the women want to become active in the community. With all these new trainings they will gain more knowledge and participate more in development work. The women of Laguna need to get rid of the gender stereotypes. They have so many skills to exstinguish the negative stereotypes of women. After these training and successful income they can provide for their families. With their group and project these women will change the pre-exisiting views of women and traditional occupations. Hopefully with the new confidence they gain they will become more assertive and take action in the community. They will learn to voice their opinions and stand up for what is right. These women also want to teach the younger women and children of the community about equality in relationships, including heathy relatiionships and roles in relationships.

The women have great ideas for the group. They want to teach the younger women of the community how to make the crafts so that it will continue. This is a positive step for sustainablity with this project. The women also want to teach the young women of the community proper health. This project will ensure sustainability in income generating future projects. The women will become more independent.

Laguna Women's Crafts: baskets, jewlery, cuxtals, etc.

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Days in April

Monday- Friday April 12-16 Normal back to school week

This week was a normal week. I taught writing lessons and computer courses, as well as tutoring. It went by very quickly since I was still on my high of enjoying my Easter Break… visiting other PCVs and seeing Belize.

April 17 and 18 Saturday and Sunday

I was supposed to either have a Peace Corps trainee come visit my village and stay the weekend at my house or go to Guatemala on a Religious Retreat. However, both fell through unfortunately.

So I ended up spending my weekend with a few girls in my village… we ran to the junction 6 miles!!! Then showered and watched movies all night!

I am trying my hardest to get fit and slim… so I have increased my workouts!!! Belizean food does not help my physique. :(

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Happy Birthday Andrew… and Happy Birthday Amy!

Monday April 12, 2010

Today is Andrew’s birthday, as well as Amys!!! I tried my best to wish them a happy birthday… but with my limit resources and internet it was difficult.

Today was the first day back to school since we let out for Easter Break.

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Learning Something New Everyday

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Cowo family has been inviting me over to their house forever. However, there was always something going on and I was busy so I couldn’t make it. Finally today I went over their house. I was a bit late so some of the family already went to the farm.

They girls that were at home taught me how to make bracelets. So I weaved bracelets all day. They said I was slow at first… however, I am a fast learner because now I am quick. Mayans tell everything literally… no sugar coating anything. They can be very blunt which takes me by surprise.

I enjoyed myself at their house… and glad I finally learned how to make bracelets. Next I need to learn how to make cuxtals and baskets.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Thatch House Celebration

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I got invited to Mr. Ack’s house for chicken caldo because they were building a thatch house. I wanted to see the thatch house being built; however, I completely missed it because I had to go to town to buy some groceries (fruits and veggies). By the time I got back I missed the thatch being built. The men put up a thatch house so quickly. There were about 15 men there… each with a specific job… they have it down to a science. It is really interesting. I want to learn more because supposedly there are different kinds of thatch house and different styles. Some that last 5 years and some that last 20 years. First I want to witness one being built and then I will ask my thousands of questions…

T.E.A Guest House in Laguna... which is one of the many thatch houses in Laguna!

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Big Falls River

Friday, April 9, 2010
Big Falls

The week I got back from my Easter Vacation I felt so great. It was nice to see more of Belize and where other PCVs live.

Friday, I got invited over to Miss Jacquline’s house at dump. She is a kind mestizo women.

I went to the Big Falls River, which is lots of fun. I swam for about four hours even in the rain!

I was so tired when I got back I don’t think I was any fun, I just went right to bed at the Burns house… who live close to the Big Falls River.

                                               Big Falls River

The kids that took me to the River!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Orange Walk

April 5, 2010

On our way back we stopped in Orange Walk, which is up north; far away from us people in the Toledo District. I loved visiting Christen Eure. She is very kind.

She gave us a lovely tour of Orange Walk. (However, it was too city like for me too love it.) It was lots of buildings and sidewalks. Fun Fact… Orange Walk has the only stop light in all of Belize.

Christen took us to the water park, which was very nice. We decided not to swim it was too crowded… but, I came up with my new favorite drink… lime juice with crushed/blended ice. So refreshing.

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Easter in Sarteneja

April 3-6, 2010

Amy, Cali, Zan, and I went to visit Manissa in her beautiful village. I am so jealous. I wish I was placed there. She lives in a Spanish Speaking village of 3,000 people. say it is a village; however, it is big enough to be a town (again my village has 300 people Sarteneja has 3,000!) wow big difference. They have big shops with all sorts of stuff. Laguna Village only has small shops with about 3 or 4 things in it… literally.

Manissa lives right by the water, which is clear, blue, and warm. I swam in it all Easter day. We also got to kayak. Manissa works for a tour company who has all those kinds of equipment to take out in the water. Kayaking was lots of fun. I have never done that before. We took the kayaks out for 5 belizean dollars and enjoyed ourselves.

In Sarteneja they also had a huge Easter celebration and festival going on. They had greasy pole and greasy pig contest. The village also had “hold your breath underwater” contest and sail boat races. It was very fun. I truly enjoyed my Easter vacation. (I still wished I was placed in her village… lucky Manissa!)

Side note: I never had escabeche before coming to Belize. I had it for the second time here in Sarteneja. They don’t cook the shrimp, fish, or whatever seafood they put in it. They soak it in lime juice, which cooks it. It is like salsa with seasfood… delicious!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Santa Teresa Deer Dance

April 1-2, 2010 Santa Teresa

For the Easter holiday I went Santa Teresa to see the Deer Dance, which was super cool. The men wear beautiful costumes and dance all day to the sound of the marimba playing.

I had a lot of fun in Santa Teresa. We chilled in Amy’s village and made delicious food. I got to play with all her fun villager kids…. Which was a blast. They loved my camera. My camera ran out of batteries the first day. I was so sad because Amy has no electricity either. I guess I am spoiled living in Laguna. I have electricity and running water… with a flush toilet!!! YAY no latrine. We bathed in the river, which was fun but cold! I said I would be back soon! I really liked Amy’s village the people were sooo nice and friendly (sa chire le sa… means nicer than the nicest in K’kechi)

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.