Friday, September 25, 2009

SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS… and training

Friday September 25th, 2009
Today we get three shots from Nurse Jackie. The trainees get Hep. B, D, and Tetanus, I am so happy that I am fine with taking shots (I am glad I don’t get squeamish because that would not be fun with all the shots we get in the Peace Corps.)
8:30-10:30 We have a session on “working with groups”
10:30-12 STI’s with PCMO Jackie (I have a feeling this is going to be a GROSS session)
Get weekly money and lunch
1:15- 2:15 Thresholds of Intimacy with PCMO Jackie and SSC
2:30-3:30 Dealing with Alcohol with PCMO Jackie
3:30-5 PCV Panel: Dating/Not Dating

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

My first teacher training workshop! (Went well :)

Thursday September 24, 2009
Today we had language class in the morning. The joke was that I could not remember what the word lime is in K’ekchi for the life of me. (Lamux=lime… which I will now never forget!!!)
This session I loved playing with the LCF, Ms. Carmelina’s, little girl Serena. She is very cute and very shy. She warmed up to me and sat on my lap the rest of the session. Greg videotaped me because I was practicing my workshop presentation on a two year old (Serena). I don’t get nervous in front of kids… so I kept practicing it over and over and she was my audience lol!
Mrs. Kus was so nice to drop my lunch off at the Resource Center….(My host family is ridiculously kind… I am going to miss them.)
Mrs. Kus packed me watermelon my favorite and rice, which is also my favorite. However, she packed me gibnut… which is GROSS!
Then a little before noon we traveled to Georgeville for our first workshop given to the real Belizean teachers!!!! So exciting.
TEACHER TRAINER WOKRSHOP- CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 1-2. It went very well. Austin (my boss) was there. It made it a little more nerve wracking… however, I did well. I did not read off my notes so I was actually very proud of myself! The teachers learned a lot (But, I realized that the teachers here in Belize are rather shy and don’t participate easily. )
We got home at 4:30pm (I got to spend time with my host family… we got out before 5!) Lorenzo and Mr. Kus were back from visiting Mr. Kus’s mom in PG (Punta Gorda). I missed them greatly. Lorenzo puts a smile on my face every day. I hugged/kissed/tickled Lorenzo as soon as I saw him. Lorenzo loved his books that I gave him. However, Serena (Ms. Carmelina’s daughter) likes my read alouds much more.
Then Marah wanted help with her homework. So I helped her with words that sound the same, but have different meanings, such as course or coarse and there or their. After that Celestino wanted to play games. We played Old Maid. (Celestino is such a sore loser… I have to work on that with him. Hahaha)
Later when Kevina came over to give Ms. Kus a vitamin shot (bc she is a EMT) we all played all Maid. Allysa, Kevina’s host sister, won. We played with 7 people… old maid is much more fun with lots of players!
Tonight was a good productive night… I completed my evaluations, assessments, and journal.

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Silly Story – Tarantella story

***So I want to begin with what happened yesterday… I had my first encounter with a tarantella… and it was crawling up my arm.
I went into the laundry room in the dark to get something. I brushed up on the tied hammock. I started to feel something going up my arm. I had no clue what it was. I screamed/cried and did a ridiculous dance. My host family thought I was dying. They said they never heard a scream like that. My host mom did not know what to do. My host brother Celestino saw the tarantella and brushed it off. I was grossed out the rest of the night (thinking bugs and insects were crawling on me!) I am not scared of spiders; however, I do not want tarantellas crawling on my skin! ****

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.