Friday, May 7, 2010

Thatch House Celebration

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I got invited to Mr. Ack’s house for chicken caldo because they were building a thatch house. I wanted to see the thatch house being built; however, I completely missed it because I had to go to town to buy some groceries (fruits and veggies). By the time I got back I missed the thatch being built. The men put up a thatch house so quickly. There were about 15 men there… each with a specific job… they have it down to a science. It is really interesting. I want to learn more because supposedly there are different kinds of thatch house and different styles. Some that last 5 years and some that last 20 years. First I want to witness one being built and then I will ask my thousands of questions…

T.E.A Guest House in Laguna... which is one of the many thatch houses in Laguna!

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