Thursday, August 11, 2011

Austin’s Last Site Visit

Wednesday June 15, 2011
Today Austin (my boss- the Peace Corps Education Program Manager) came to Laguna for my last site visit! I can’t believe it!

I was very disappointed after my site visit. I personally felt that he gave me no credit for opening and running a preschool for the past year. What I heard him saying was that I should have been more focused on workshops and teacher training because that was my primary project and I was too focused on Laguna’s preschool.

It was the last week of school and he wanted me to give one last workshop on reading diagnostic assessments, which was fine with me (because I gave this workshop to the teachers before). I like giving workshops; however, I know the teachers don’t want it. They are busy with final exams, report cards, and graduation. Therefore, the workshop never happened… even thought I was completely ready to give the teacher workshop. Other than me feeling that he didn’t think I was doing my job the site visit went well. He met with my principal (counterpart) and he said that I was doing well. Austin also met with my neighbor (landlord) and that also went well because Ms. Theresa told Austin that I was really focused on my projects and that I usually spend most of my time in the village working. Austin lastly met with my Women’s Group chairlady and that sounded as if it was a good interview also. Ms. Rosa (chairlady) wants to have another Peace Corps Volunteer to possibly help the women continue with strengthening the women’s business of cuxtals (hand bags), crafts and jewelry. I also was trying to tell Austin how fabulous my women’s group trainings have been. However, he didn’t seem interested. He was just focused on my primary project (teacher training).

I was really down, but other PCVs helped me realize that I was doing a lot of work here in Laguna and the work I have done was beneficial to what the village wanted and needed! So I feel a bit better.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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