Friday, September 18, 2009

Week 5... Time is flying!

Tuesday September 15th, 2009

Today I was still not feeling up to par. I just want this pain in my back to go away!
Session today took place at the resource center. It started at 8:30; however, we thought it started at 8 am so Greg, Kevina and I were there early. We saw the littlest dog (poor thing), but he was so cute! I took pictures of them. Kevina felt so bad for the dogs that now she carriers dog food in her bag for the dogs that are starving. There are so many stray dogs.
Language session was from 8:30-12pm. Today, I had to speak on dressing appropriately because today’s topic was dressing appropriately. My LCF told me to come in a tiny top and short skirt (I was so uncomfortable… bc that is not my style at all lol) Then we talked why we should not dress like that and how much unwanted attention would come from dressing like that.
When I came home from lunch my host mom said to me in K’ekchi that I don’t look so well and that I look sick. I told her I feel okay… it is just my back.
After lunch we went back to the resource center and the business group from Belmopan was there too. It was very nice seeing other trainees from other sectors. We had a session on Mentoring: Giving and Receiving Feedback. The lesson was lots of fun because there were more of us participating.
After that the four of us (education trainees) had our daily chat about the weekend…. Of course I did not have much good to say. We also talked about more projects coming up. We assigned Cross-Sector CBT presentation speaker and talent show ideas. (Some people told me to make a slide show of all my ten thousand pictures I take!) (another idea was to sing in K’ekchi… however, I only sing one word “Bar” which means where… in the song we got the joy joy joy (where) down in our heart, down in our hearts. Hahaha.
After that discussion we talked about parent involvement. That was an easy topic because in my internships at Thurmont Elementary and Primary we had lots of great parent involvement.
After that we went to a Botique to practice our K’ekchi while purchasing items. I thought I did not want to buy anything, but that was until I found a beach towel… sand, beach, crabs, and shells on it. I loved it and had to buy it. Kevina bought one with ducks and she tried to bargain the price down. She was not able and neither was I.
After that I went home… and did lots and lots of homework. My host family can’t believe how much work I have. But, I want to get it all finished so I can enjoy this upcoming holiday weekend with my host family… and not worry about all the presentations, projects, workshops, and lesson plans that are due next week!
Wednesday September 16, 2009
Today was a GREAT day of sessions. I enjoyed all of them today. It was a whole day of education topics at the Peace Corps Headquaters. It was very informative and useful to use in my potential schools I will be working at after signing in on October 22, 2009!
We began with a daily chat… it was about this upcoming field trip we are taking to the Blue Hole this weekend! (I cant wait!)
9-10am Coy and Melissa (a cute married PCV couple) gave a presentation on:
· Early Childhood Education
o Teaching Phonics
o Phonemic Awareness
o Rhymes and Songs
o Word Walls
o Classroom Management
10-11am ESL (PCV Melissa Anderson)
We discussed:
· Facial cues
· Acting/role plays
· Scaffolding
· Realia
· Check for comprehension and understanding
During this session Nurse Jackie called me down to basically tell me I have to wait for my results on Thursday to really know what is wrong with me.

11-12pm Reading strategies (PCV Laura Bradford)
She gave a lesson on:
· Traditional Read Alouds
· Interactive Read Alouds
· Strategies to use word walls
· Choosing what words to use on our word walls
During lunch I got to use the internet J We also got to chat with the present education PCVs!!!
After lunch we had a detailed lesion on Special Education in Belize (NaRCIE) I was very interested in this topic because I want to do my secondary project on Special Education. My first project is teacher training, but I want my second project to be something with special needs… bc I am debating getting my masters in that area (or reading specialist or adminstations… I’m really not sure… I have two years to decide!)
During this session we learned:
· How to help identify students and refer them to NaRCIE
· Contact NaRCIE with Questions
· Build resources
· And lots and lots of handouts and pantalets…. So wonderful!

Side note: I forgot to mention the legal age for school is only 5-14 (it is normal to stop school when a child turns 15… so sad)

Thursday September 17, 2009
Today my LCF was sick… fever and throwing up… therefore, we did not have class.
Today is all LANGUAGE K’ekchi!!!! AHHH and WOOOOHOOOO!
8-12 Language and Culture information on renting a house and buying household items (I love how the lessons are very useful to the trainees)
1-3:30 Language and Culture Review!
3:30-5:00pm: Self-directed learning: I am going to work on presentation plans and other assignments. (Hopefully get to the internet!)

I got lots of work finished!!!
I bonded with my host family finishing my projects. My host siblings and I made viziers and laughed the night away!!!!

Friday September 18, 2009
I am finally feeling much BETTER!!!! YAY! I am happy to be feeling normal!
We get more shots today… Rabies 3 and hepatitis B Vaccines
8:30-9:30 Classroom Management (Olga Manzanero)
9:30-10:30 Site Development with Austin and Jay J
10:30-12 Serving Safely with PCMO Jackie
Get walk around money for next week!
1:15-2:15 Mental and Emotional Health with PCMO Jackie
2:30-3:30 Emergency Action Plan with SSC
3:30-5 Development with Bryan
(My assessment is due TAP)

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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