Sunday, October 18, 2009

All About Laguna

Picture of Laguna from the Mountain Top

Important People in my village:
· My host parents full names are Mr. and Mrs. Andres and Manuela Che
· My principals/teacher/counterpart’s name is Everaldo Garcia
· The other teachers name are Ms. Melanie Ranguy, Ms. Febrassa Cowo, Mrs. Marisela Requena (who is leaving Nov. 1 for maternity leave)
· The Alcade (which is the judge of the village… he manages all the problems) name is Mr. Eduardo Coy
· Laguna’s Chairman name is Mr. Pedro Chub
· PTA Chairman is Ms. Adriano Cucul
· Vice-Chairman is Ms. Julian Chub

Laguna Community Overview:
· Laguna is a small village of about 350 people.
· It is located 11 miles north of Punta Gorda (the closest city) on the southern highway.
· The village is in the southernmost part of Belize in the Toledo district.
· Toledo (the district Laguna is in) is the poorest district with 79% of its 27,000 inhabitants living below the UNDP poverty line.
· Punta Gorda is the Toledo’s administrative center with a population of close to 6,000 that is compromised of Kriol, Garifuna, Maya, Mestizo, East Indian, and Chinese cultures.
· Fishing and agriculture is currently the main means of livelihood, as well as government work
· Many people are teachers in the government schools or employed within the various government ministries.
· The tourism industry recently began development with ecotourism and adventure tourism as the focus.
· PG has all the basic amenities, so I am able to shop, send/receive emails or mail/ and visit other volunteers… if I go to town (25 minutes away).
· For the most part, PG is a small, quiet, and safe town (compared to Belize City)
· In Laguna, my village, electricity and running water are available (My family only has a hose for water though)
· Water is pumped from a well into a raised tank and sent to villager homes.
· The people living in Laguna are Maya K’ekchi, and the language spoken is K’ekchi.
· The village’s main sources of economic activity include eco-tourism, and farming rice, cacao, and live stock.
· Buses travel by Laguna daily.
· We only have a bus that runs Mon, Wed, Fri, and Sat (which are market days)… it leaves Laguna at 6am and comes back at noon. So I have to make things in town quick.
Population: 350
Number of Households: 70
Adult Population: 215
Child Population: 135
Ethnicity: K’ekchi
Village Data:
Types of houses: Thatch/timber house
Local amenities: 1 shop, 1 T.E.A guest house
Water Source: 3x hand pump
Type of water system: hand pump
Local resources: farmland, timber eco-tourism
# people with Electricity: 90%
Telephone: 1 community phone that all the villagers use
Radio: 100%
Television: 25%
Waste disposal options: burn/buy
No Preschool
No High School
Yes Primary education

Major Problems:
Production well/water system. 2 miles of farmers roads need completing. Street lighting. Clinic and school needs renovation/repair.

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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