Grace Boswell
September 9, 2009
Lesson Plan/ Daily Scheme
Standard 1
I. Area of Study: Social Studies
A. Topic: Community
B. Subtopic: Community helpers
II. Objectives: The infant II students will identify and describe at least three of the five community helpers discussed in the song and lesson, as well as draw and write one correct sentence about the community helper.
III. Activities:
A. Teaching Strategies:
1. Teacher will print or draw community helper items to use for the guessing motivation game.
2. Teacher will color and laminate the items.
3. Teacher will make music instruments out of toilet paper roles (maracas and drum).
4. Teacher will make community helper puzzle out of file folder.
5. Teacher will use positive reinforcement with the musical instruments.
6. Teacher will use non-formal education with the skits/jigsaw.
7. Teacher will need to prepare handout for student assessment.
8. Teacher will model activities for students.
9. Handouts for students
10. Students will need their notebook to draw and write a sentence about a community helper.
B. Learning Activities:
1. Teacher will have students pull objects out of bags and guess the community helpers that the class will be discussing today. (8 min)
2. Teacher will present song to students and explanations of each community helper’s job in the community. (7 min)
3. Then the students will count off by 4’s and be assigned groups to research and become experts on one particular community helper. (15 min)
4. Students will then present (or role play) the information they learned to the rest of the class. (20 min)
5. Students will work independently drawing one community helper and write one sentence about how that helper aids the community. (10 min)
6. As a conclusion I will ask students if they met the objectives and then do a community puzzle demonstrating how we need all the community helper to make a community flow. (6 min)
IV. Content:
A. Community: made up of different groups of people who live and work together. The community has a specific location (it is in one place), it has rules and laws that people must follow and the people work together to solve their problems. The very smallest unit which could be called a community is you r family, then comes your neighborhood, and finally the town or city that you live in.
Community Definition: social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.
B. Fire Fighter: person who fights destructive fires.
C. Police Officer: member of a police force or body.
D. Teacher: a person who teaches or instructs, esp. as a profession; instructor.
E. Doctor: a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian.
F. Mail Carrier: a person, usually employed by the post office, who delivers mail.
V. Assessment Strategies:
A. Informal assessment: Observation during activities (For example, I will assess the students prior knowledge during the motivation activity.)
B. The teacher will assess the notebooks that the students will draw and write a sentence about the community helper.
VI. Linkages:
A. Social Studies (community helpers)
B. Language Arts (reading/writing/viewing)
C. Music (song)
D. Art (draw picture)
VII. References:
A. Belizean Objective and Standards Resource
B. Google Images
C. Community Helpers
1. #1 What Are They?
In the last few weeks, community helpers have been in the news a lot. We have heard stories about firemen, police officers, paramedics, medical personnel and construction workers. All of them have been helping the community. Community helpers include many more than these people, though. To know what a community helper is, first you need to know what a community is.
A community is made up of different groups of people who live and work together. The community has a specific location (it is in one place), it has rules and laws that people must follow and the people work together to solve their problems. The very smallest unit which could be called a community is you r family, then comes your neighborhood, and finally the town or city that you live in. So what is a community helper?
A community helper is anyone in the community who helps others by providing a service of some kind. The easy ones to think of are the Police Force, the Fire Service and the Emergency Medical Services. There are many, many more, though. How many can you think of?
First, think about your own home. Your Mom can be considered a community helper. In your family it is probably your mom who cooks the dinner, cleans the house, does the laundry and helps in a thousand different ways everyday. If no one did those jobs, just imagine what would happen to your family, it would stop being a community and become a disaster instead. Not all families do have a Mom, and they are still a community, so who does all the jobs in those families? Well, there is Dad and Grandma, maybe a housekeeper or a gardener, a babysitter, older brothers and sisters, the list goes on and on. Everyone can be a community helper.
Just suppose you clean up your room. It is only your room; you don't share it with anyone. Do you think that would make you a community helper? The answer is not really, because you are helping your Mom and yourself but you are not helping the whole community. To be a community helper you would have to do something that helped everyone, so cleaning the living room would make you a community helper.
Next, let's think about community helpers in your neighborhood. There is the mail carrier, the sanitation workers, maybe a school crossing guard, a baker and of course the emergency services, which include the Fire Department, Police Department and Emergency Medical Services. Maybe you have a health center in your neighborhood. If you do then you also have doctors, nurses and dentists working to help your neighborhood community.
In the biggest community, your town or city, there are many more helpers. There are lawmakers and government officials. There are construction crews who help keep the roads under repair and maintenance crews who fix the streetlights and traffic signals to keep our streets safe. There are shopkeepers who provide us with the things we need. There are teachers and janitors in school, to help us learn in a clean safe place. In restaurants there are chefs waiters and waitresses who help provide us with a good healthy meal. There are parking attendants. The list goes on and on. Just about everyone in the community is a helper in some way. That is what makes a community, a group of people working together to make a better place for everyone.
VIII. Evaluation:
A. Reflection after lesson was given.
Your Neighborhood:The Fire Fighter
Fire fighters put out fires. They also respond to other emergencies, such as accidents. Do you know what to do if there is a fire in your house?
For more information on fire safety,
Your Neighborhood:The Letter Carrier
Letter carriers deliver the mail. When you have mail to send, the letter carrier will pick it up and send it. Even when the weather is bad, the letter carrier still brings your mail. Do you know your address?
Your Neighborhood:The Doctor
When you are sick or hurt, the doctor is there to help. Doctors examine you to find out what is wrong and make you feel better. You don't just go to the doctor when you're sick. You can also go for check-ups so that you don't get sick. If you get sick or hurt at school, you can see your school nurse.
Your Neighborhood:The Police Officer
Police officers help keep you and your neighborhood safe. They make sure people follow rules. They also direct traffic and solve crimes.
Your Neighborhood:The Teacher
Teachers help you learn about many subjects. What is your favorite subject in school? There are other people in your school who can help you. Some examples are your principal, guidance counselor, teacher's aid, nurse, and librarian.
Police officer
Sung to: "I'm a little Teapot"
I'm a police officerWith my star,I help peopleNear and far.If you have a problem,Call on me,And I will be thereOne, two, three!
I'm a Firefighter added 2-27-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "I'm a little teapot"
I'm a firefighterDressed in red,With my fire hatOn my head.I can drive the fire truck,Fight fires, too,And help to make thingsSafe for you.
I'm a Helpful Doctor added 2-27-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "I'm a little teapot"
I'm a helpful doctor, Dressed in white,I help people feel better, Day and night.When you get hurt or sick,Come see me.I'll get you all fixed up, Just as quick as can be.
I'm Happy I'm a Doctor added 2-27-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "My Bonnie lies over the ocean"
I'm happy I'm a doctor,I help to make people well.I'm happy I'm a doctor,It makes me feel just swell.I'm a doctor,I help to make people well, well, well.I'm a doctor,I'm happy, can't you tell?
Mail Carrier Song added 2-27-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "My Bonnie lies over the ocean"
I get to sort the mail,Then carry it to your home.The mail comes from all over,Like New York, Paris, and Rome.Mail, mail, mail, mail,I love to deliver the mail, mail, mail.Mail, Mail, Mail, Mail,I love to deliver the mail.
Teachers added 9-28-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
Our teacher comes to school each day,School each day, school each day.Our teacher comes to school each day,To help us learn and grow.She smiles and helps us learn all day,Learn all day, learn all day.She smiles and helps us learn all day,We're glad we come to school.
This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.
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