Saturday, November 27, 2010

Field Trip to Pine Hill

November 18, 2010
Laguna Government School went to Pine Hill, which is a Mennonite village. (Theresa was very surprised to see a large population of Mennonites/Amish in Belize.)

The Mennonites here live without any electricity. They live very simply. They write letters for communication.

We went to their village because they are excellent famers. They taught us a little about farming. They also make their own cheese and dairy there. We had some of their delicious wheat rolls and cookies. We were sad that the watermelons weren’t ready to be reaped because that is what they are known for… big cheap delicious watermelons!

The area was beautiful. It was second time I saw a pine tree in Belize…

The only con of the field trip was that I wasn’t allowed to take pictures…

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