Saturday, November 27, 2010

Old Belize to San Ignacio

October 31, 2010

The taxi driver took us to Old Belize. I really enjoyed it. However, since the hurricane hit that area pretty badly there were things we couldn’t do, such as zip lining. Theresa and I did get to go on a tour though. Going to old Belize I learned even more about the diversity of cultures in Belize.

After the tour we headed to San Ignacio. Theresa was amazed that the bus lines all were school busses. I said that was normal only the express busses had fancier busses. But, all other busses were originally school busses painted over.

We had some frozen drinks at Greedy’s and then bought are produce for the next day cave hike. Theresa was amazed at how expensive pears and apples were. She thought grapes are expensive here and at home.

Side Note: I didn’t dress up for Halloween this year. But, Belizean kids in San Ignacio go trick-or-treating 3 days in a row!!! Triple up hahhah

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