Saturday, November 27, 2010

Preschool Trip

November 5 and 6, 2010
I made Theresa come on the preschool trip with me. There were about 20 some preschool teachers and me, Amy (a PCV), and Theresa. The trip was crazy, but I still had a great time.

We went all the way up north to see about 15 preschools, which is why we left PG at 3 am. Afterwards, we went Chetamala (those that had passports… there are many Belizeans who do not have passports). We went walking around looking for the mall… and not one of us spoke Spanish. It was quite ridiculous. After a couple hours we finally got in a taxi and made it to the mall. It was great… the only thing I got there was a delicious cup of frozen yogurt!

After that it was difficult to meet up with everyone bc we did not decide on a time and place to meet up. Therefore, the trip was pretty disorganized. Theresa couldn’t believe it and Amy and I were not surprised lol. You gain patience living here in Belize.

Once we got back to Chetamal there was not enough space in the hotel. We had to go find another hotel to stay. However, luckily we found Matt walking down the street and begged him to stay at his house… we were rather rude… but, he graciously took all 3 of us in. He even gave up his bed for us!

Free Zone
The next morning we went to Free Zone, which sells everything for cheap!!!

It confuses me though because free zone is on Belizean ground; however, Belizeans can’t go there without special permission. (Which we forgot to bring the letter…. Ahhh so disorganized… however, we got in).

Free Zone allows business entrepreneurs incredible Tax Free business opportunities.

Merchandize warehoused in a CFZ may be sold wholesale or retail:

• To diplomats of other countries

• To ships that dock at ports in Belize

• For direct export whether by sea, air or land

• Entry into national customs territory

The CFZ sits at the South Eastern border with Mexico. Currently, businesses in the zone are manufacturing, importing, exporting, distributing fuel, retailing and offering various services to Mexicans and international clients.

I bought tons of cheap preschool items, while Theresa and Amy bought cute clothes!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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