Saturday, February 26, 2011

Christmas Day/Andrew Arrives!

December 25, 2010
I was so ecstatic to see Andrew. I was late picking him up because James bus line only had 6am, 10am, and 3pm bus. Andrew’s plane arrived at 11 and I reached the airport around 12:30. He was glad that he didn’t get stuck at the airport because of snow. We were really lucky/blessed!

Andrew rented a car. We rode from Belize City to Laguna all of Christmas day! Andrew thought Belize City looked really run down. However, once we reached the highway the nature was beautiful. We even took some pictures of the trees, hills, and sleeping giant. In Andrew’s words “The scenery was intense.”

We tried to stop for Christmas dinner; however, EVERYTHING was closed. We stopped at one restaurant because it looked packed; however, the owner came outside and said this is a private Christmas party. It was a long 5 hour drive—yet I enjoyed it so much because of the company I was with!!!

We arrived at Laguna around 5:30pm. Once we arrived at the village we yelled Y’oos (which means good morning, good afternoon, and good night in K’ekchi ). We drove around the village so that Andrew could get a quick tour. Andrew said that Laguna reminded him of the movie Willow, Lord of Rings, and Jurassic Park without the dinosaurs. He couldn’t believe how basic the houses were.

We were invited to two villager’s house (Shol’s and Ack’s). At the Shol’s house Andrew tried tamales with chicken and at the Ack’s house he tried belikin beer, flour tortillas, BBQ chicken, and cake! I left Andrew with Mr. Ack and the boys while the women and I went to cook/bake! Andrew didn’t really like the cuisine because of the texture. He realized that texture is more important than flavor.

It was so GREAT to spend my first Christmas with Andrew!!!!!!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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