Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cockscomb Jaguar Reserve

December 10, 2010
This day was a crazy day. Cait might have a parasite she was not feeling well at all. Paula also might be sick with the flu. I had sore throat and cough. We got a late start, which I felt bad about because we were meeting Megan, Alyson and Clifton.

We reached Cockscomb Jaguar Reserve in the afternoon. We picked up Megan; however, we did not see Alyson or Clifton—which was very bizarre because they were supposedly there.

Megan, Paula, Cait and I went on a beautiful hike; some of it was strenuous. So I couldn’t even imagine what Victoria Peak would be like because that is the hardest hike in the park. For that hike you have to train for it and be with expert guides.

The Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary is Belize’s most famous sanctuary; it is biggest protected area. We didn’t spot any jaguars sadly. We did see many birds though. We were on a self-guided nature walk. Once we reached up to the top we all saw the gorgeous view of Victoria Peak.

Once we finished our hike we said goodbye to Megan and traveled up to Belmopan! There were lots of Christmas celebrations going on in Belmopan. We went to eat and then showered and went to bed!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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