Saturday, February 26, 2011

Education- In Service Training (IST)

November 29, 2010

This year Peace Corps separated the IST into sectors. Opposite compared to last year when all PCVs got together for a 5 day in service training. This year education had its own 2 day meeting and the other sectors have their own as well. The other sectors in Peace Corps Belize are business development, healthy communities, and youth development.

I enjoyed this training mainly because I was able to reunite with education volunteers all over the country. I don’t get to see them often because I live in the southern part of Belize and it is difficult due to the fact other that education pcvs in central or northern Belize.

PS sadly we had to say good bye to Ginnie and Anthony. I was so sad that Ginnie (our teacher trainer) service was over and her and her husband are going back to the states! We will miss you Ginnie and Anthony!

Ginnie's famous quotes!

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