Saturday, February 26, 2011

PAULA and Caitlyn arrive in Belize!!!

December 6, 2010
I love having friends visit me in Belize. My goal is to integrate them in countries many diverse cultures and especially to learn about the K’ekchi Maya culture.

I met Paula and Caitlyn at the airport. I was sooooo excited when I saw Paula! I haven’t seen her since June… 6 whole months!

They rented a car for the 7 days, which was the best idea ever! It was a bright bright yellow car- we couldn’t have stood out anymore. We tried not to look like tourists; however, in that car we definitely did!

Paula, Caitlyn and I ate at a little local tiny restaurant right after leaving the airport. We of course had chicken, rice and beans, which is the most normal cultural meal in Belize.

After lunch we went to the Museum of Belize. (I have already been here with Laguna Government School) I was glad Paula and Caitlyn went to the museum to learn the story of Belize.

The museum is housed in the country’s former main jail; the museum preserves one cell in the original state. We were able to see the inmate’s graffiti. (That was the highlight that we almost missed… but, thanks to Paula we did not!)

We also learned about the colonial and independence eras and the destruction brought on by hurricanes. One other favorite part of the museum is the jade section and observing the Maya treasures. We also got to see the colorful postage stamps and GROSS insect section. Before leaving Paula purchased a cute Belizean bag from the gift shop.

After the museum we rode straight to Orange Walk. We stayed at Hotel de Fuente, which is a beautiful hotel in Orange Walk! I would definitely recommend it… however, not on a peace corps living allowance. heheh

For dinner we went to Lamanai Riverside restaurant. We had delicious ceviche, which is best up north of Belize (which is where we were.) After dinner we went to bed early because we had to get up for our tour at the Lamanai maya ruins and the beginning of all our adventures for the week.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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