Saturday, February 26, 2011

So sad to say bye to Paula

December 13, 2010

Today Paula and Cait went to the airport to go home. I was so sad to say goodbye.

After they left I had a doctor appointment to check on my bronchial asthma. At my appointment I found out that I don’t have bronchial asthma and instead I have a chronic severe form of a sinus infection. The doctor is a specialist and after reviewing my cat scan he said that I have had this for a long while and that I may have been treating the wrong symptoms the whole time. Therefore, he put me on a 15 day antibiotic and in the next 2 weeks I was to visit back for a check-up. If it was not cleared up he would have to put me asleep and drain my nose.

Thank goodness I didn’t scuba dive because you are not supposed to scuba with allergies or a little cold—let alone a chronic sinus infection!!!!

Missing Paula and Caitlyn… I had such a great week with them!!!

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