Monday, March 7, 2011

Mountain Pine Ridge

January 3 and 4, 2011
                For the last 2 days that Andrew was here we spent it in Mountain Pine Ridge at Pine Ridge lodge.
                I loved the place we stayed, Pine Ridge Lodge. It was perfect… besides no place to charge my camera!!!ahahah It had no electricity, but we got used to the kerosene lamps. We made huge mess with them… soot was everywhere! However, we finally figured it out!  It was cool though eating by candle light and the meals were delicious. They made what we wanted.
It was very homey. We really bonded with the owners. They chatted with us and gave advice where are the best spots to go.

                Pine Ridge Lodge is the most rustic. It has screened porches and a hammock room; a perfect place for relaxation. It has a creek that runs across the bottom of the grassy gardens, which have many orchids (black orchid national flower).
                We went to Big Rock falls, which was Beautiful!! We were advised to go there instead of the 1,000 foot falls from the owners of the lodge. I was glad we listened to them!

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