Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cacao Fest 2011

Saturday May 21, 2011

Today was Cacao Fest! Cacao is Belizean chocolate. I had cacao ice cream it was pretty amazing! Below are some activities that were available at Cacao fest:

Taste of Toledo - Saturday 21st May

"Saturday's festivities provide visitors with a true Taste of Toledo! Daytime activities in Punta Gorda Town include live music at venues throughout town, a Chocolate Centre at PG's Chocolate Factory, tortilla making at the Fajina House, and art and archaeology exhibits. Savor Belize will be announcing the winner of the Best Chocolate recipe competition, learn about Cacao and Conservation from Toledo's leading NGOs, and learn about cacao production and processing at the Toledo Cacao Growers' Association open day.

Children will enjoy the free Cacao for Kids activities, leaving you free to visit the different activities in Town, knowing that they are safe, supervised, and having fun.

Special Festival tours are offered for those wanting to experience the delights of the District, with Cacao Trail tours, and Sea Toledo snorkelling trips to our beautiful offshore cayes.

Enjoy evening musical performances from some of Toledo's finest musicians at the vairous Culture in Harmony performances around PG Town, or head out to one of our local lodges to enjoy a delicious chocolate-themed dinner."

After the festivities a few of us PCVs had a delicious dinner and chatted the night away!!!

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