Friday, May 13, 2011

Cecy’s wedding day!

Saturday April 30, 2011

Today Theresa and I were supposed to go to Chipinque, but because there were fires there the day before it was closed off to hikers. So instead Theresa and I went to more museums…. Times 3 (You buy one ticket to go into three different museums.)Museum one was on a famous Mexican singer and Actor, the next one was on Northern Mexico, and the third was on the whole history of Mexicans beginning with the Mayas.

After the museums I went to the Gym (I’m taking full advantage of having a free gym!)Then Theresa and I got ready for Cecy’s and Jose Victors wedding!

The ceremony started at 7:15… it was a beautiful wedding. (I had a job… to hand out bubbles at the end of the ceremony).

The reception was the best wedding party I have ever been to. Mexicans know how to party. It was from 8:30 to 3:30 in the morning. There were tons of props and flip-flops and free drinks all night. Too fun!

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