Friday, May 13, 2011

Village and PTA Meeting

Sunday January 30, 2011

Sunday, there was a village meeting, as well as a PTA meeting. Village meetings seem to drag for me because it is in all K’kechi!!! I need to keep working on my K’ekchi… I know many many phrases, but not even close to being fluent.

The village meeting lasted forever. The topics that were discussed at the meeting were:

- Prayer

- Swearing in of Alcalde

- Fajina discussion

- Health

o garbage disposal (all families will need a designated area to burn their garbage).

o latrine (8 families still do not have latrine toilet… they just go the bathroom anywhere- the village council is making them build a latrine).

o Opening hours of health post

o Pigs on the loose (we have pigs wonder Laguna village. They leave their waste everywhere and get into all the garbage… they make the village dirty. The village council is trying to figure out a way to have the pigs penned. However, half the village has pigs and the other half doesn’t; therefore, they haven’t been able to come to a conclusion about penning pigs or not. I think the pigs should she penned it would make the village much more sanitary.)

o An ambulance will now be available in Laguna in needed, just need to contact health worker.

- Cutting Lumber (there will be a fine to those that cut lumber without a permit).

- Village Council Financial Report discussed

- Other matter (this is where I spoke of upcoming projects I have!)


1. Establishing and continuing the Chabil Chahim Preschool I began in September 1, 2010.

2. Establishing a library (want to get books donated)

3. Reading Groups (I have daily in the afternoons with students that are two grade levels below. The focus is on phonics, fluency and comprehension).

4. BTL ( getting the free school internet provided by BTL. And possibly fill out the grant for sports items!)

5. GLOW Club (fundraise, dance, cheerleading, football, arts etc. Work on the girls self-expression, self-esteem, and self-reliance.)

6. Women’s group grant training

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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