Sunday, June 5, 2011

GLOW Girls Fundraising some more…

Friday May 27, 2011

Today is the last Friday of the month; therefore, it is Teacher’s pay day and we have off from school. Today my GLOW girls are going to bake doughnuts and sell house to house in Laguna Village. My girls have already raised the $400.00 dollars needed to send four girls to GLOW camp in July. Now we are raising money to go on a field trip. The girls and I decided that we wanted to take a trip to Labuntun Maya ruins, have a picnic and swim in the San Miguel River! It took about 3 hours to bake and 3 hours to go house to house. So it was a long day; however, we reached our goal. We now have $100.00 raised to take our trip! GO GLOW GIRLS!

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