Friday, August 12, 2011

Banquet Dinner for Susan

Thursday June 30, 2011
Today I drove with my mom to the leadership banquet at Stockton College. The banquet is for my sister Susan’s last day of leadership camp. I haven’t seen my mom and sister in one whole year! I can’t believe my sister is 17 and is as tall as me (and is driving my car)! I also got to see my friend Maura… because she was one of Susan’s camp counselors.  After dinner I hung out at my Uncle Mike’s house and saw… Aunt Peg, Uncle Mike, Mike, Owen, Aunt Donna, and Grammom!  It feels good to be home!
Trying to take a picture of Maura when her name was announced ;)

Susan driving MY CAR!

Thank you Kelsey and Mom for making me feel soooo welcomed! Tooo cute!

Me, Mom, and Sue! :)

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