Friday, August 12, 2011

Blessing of the new pastors house

Sunday July 10, 2011
Today Frank and I woke up very early to help the women cook and prepare for today’s church service- the blessing of the new pastor’s house. Frank got a lot of GREAT pictures this morning. The women cooked from 5am to 8am. Then frank and I went back to my house to have some breakfast and then we headed back to the ceremony. It was a long ceremony from 8:30am to 11:30am. The ceremony included singing, guitar playing and preaching and of course the blessing of the house. After the blessing of the house we all ate chicken Caldo and pooch. I was surprised Frank liked it. I didn’t like pooch when I first arrived…it didn’t have much flavor but, now it has grown on me, but Frank said he liked it. I think he would do well here as a PCV in Laguna!

After the ceremony Frank was able to take photos of the ladies washing the dishes in the creek (which is common here in Laguna)! I am lucky enough to have a pipe at my house so I don’t have to wash my dishes in the creek anymore; however, when I first arrived I did.

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