Monday, September 26, 2011

Getting ready for school and Erica’s farewell party!

Saturday September 3, 2011
Today I helped Bernadina set up her Std. 3 classroom at San Marcus. She is beginning her internship to finish her associate’s degree. I am excited for her because I remember my internship a couple years ago. She is quite nervous.  There was lots of work that needed to be done. The teachers before them like to leave their classroom dirty.

After I began to help Bernadina I then went to PG that night to go Erica’s going away party. She had such a great party at her host mother’s house. It was a big Garifuna celebration with drumming and BBQ! It was very touching and sentimental! We all said our good bye toast… I will miss you Erica… but, since we live the closest in the states I think we will continue to be close good friends!

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