Monday, September 26, 2011

Michael and Alba’s wedding

Sunday August 28, 2011
The wedding began at the House of Prayer around 8am. The wedding party didn’t arrive until 9am. I have been to 5 weddings in Belize, but this was the first wedding that I saw a lot of American customs. They had bridesmaids and groomsmen and flower girls and ring borrow, as well as throwing the bouquet and garter. 
Mr. Shol said the wedding message and he said it in English because the wife was from Orange Walk and does not speak K’kechi only English and Spanish. I was glad it was in English because Beth was able to understand.

After the wedding we went to the party at the Cucul’s residence. We had rice and beans and chicken (I let Beth try the pooch though because that is usually custom at big K’ekchi parties.) She said she liked it all!

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