Wednesday, September 2, 2009


August 20, 2009

Friday, we had training at the headquarters.
Then after Dominos... cold shower... bed.
I then napped and then ate at this little tiny Belizean cafĂ©… I had 3 chicken empanadas (that I have had in Argentina) that where only a dollar and then a bottle water for a dollar. I had a 2.00 dinner…. And I was full and happy lol! CRAZY how cheap it was and there is a 2:1 exchange. So in U.S. dollars it only cost 1.00. REALLY Crazy.
Lastly, every night I take a cold shower. In the U.S. I always take hot hot showers even in the middle of the summer. Now it is going to take some time to get used to taking cold showers!
This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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