Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 6

Tuesday August 25, 2009

Today is Tuesday and I made it to training class on time! We started with a Belizean breakfast… however; I just had some cinnamon bread because my stomach was upset and hurting from all the different foods I ate in the past six days. A trainee recommended that I take some pepso bismal, (I’m not sure how to spell it because I have never taken that stuff before) which definitely helped my tummy thank goodness.
We started training off with an explanation of the evaluation process. They explained how we will evaluate all the trainers and then they will evaluate us at the end of training before we get sworn in. After that we listened to an introduction of project plans from Austin (my education manager) and Jay.
Next (even though I was feeling well) I started to feel sick again because the next session was on diarrhea and food and water preparation with the PCMO. Later was lunch. Then we listened to about six already PCV’s Peace Corps experience. It was called “life as a PCV Panel.” After that discussion we learned more survival Kriol!!!!
I also had my education teacher training interview… it went very well… except where the part when he said what would be your ideal setting. Then I included that I would like to have easy internet access. He told me I might have to organize and start an internet café in my local town. Lol! (I am definitely considering that!)
I also got my cell phone today. Send me a message on facebook if you want my cell phone number and/or mailing address! Thanks! Good bye for now!
This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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