Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Monday Aug. 24, 2009
Monday morning we went to training at P.C. office. The schedule said that it started at 8:30a.m. However, it really started at 7:30 a.m.… so my roommate and I were about 15 min late. However, it was not a big deal because trainees came in after us.
We started the morning off with a name game, which was extremely helpful. I never played a name game like this one. I am going to use it in a classroom. Two people hold the end of a sheet and one person stands on one side and then there is another person on the other side. They lower the sheet and the first person to say the other person’s name wins and gets to sit down.
Next we discussed safety. Then they introduced the admin unit. They told us all about mail and the address. Please send me a message and I will give you the address because the P.C. wanted us to keep that confidential.
After that we talked about medical policy and procedures and how we can get health insurance up to 18 months after service. I also had an interview with the nurse. It went well… I haven’t gained any weight yet… eating all this delicious food!.... burritos, rice, beans, chicken, empanadas, etc.
Also, during our training session we talked about the development of philosophy… which now has me wondering again what to get my masters in!! ahhhhh I have to stop always looking to the future. I want to take one day at a time and hopefully everything will flow J
Then I had my first taste of the Kriol language!!! It wasn’t that bad… however, my accent stinks.
I learned how to introduce myself… for example,
Ai nahm Grace……. (My name is Grace)
Ai da Grace ……….(My name is Grace)
Me naym Grace……………. (My name is grace)
Some cognitive are….
Name = naym/nahym
Me =mi/mee
I = ai/ah
You = yu/yoo
Happy = hapi
To = fi
Know = noa
Please = pleeze
Later =layta
Going =gwain
Come =kohn
Until = sotay
Right = rait
From = fahn
What is your name? = da weh yu name?
Good morning = gud maanin
Where are you from? = weh yu khon frahn?
I am from NJ = Me fahn NJ
I am happy to meet you all. = Ah hapi fi noa yu uno
Where is/are? = da weh
What is/are? = da weh
After Kriol class… I attempted to upload pictures on Facebook. I got about forty uploaded. Then I participated in an AWESOME yoga class!!!! (however, I was in my business casual kakis… but, I still did well!) I heard that they are closing the yoga classes because the owner is moving to the U.S. But, when I get to my final site I want to start a workout or yoga group! After yoga we ate dinner at the shack. Then to bed I went.

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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