Friday, September 11, 2009

Sessions at Peace Corps Headquaters

Friday September 4, 2009

Today we went to the P.C. headquarters. I love it because I get internet access. We took the bus to the headquarters (we were only 8 minutes late… even though the bus had to make so many stops.)
Today we had a lot of lecturing…
· Senator Hulse: lectured on the history and politics of Belize (he was an excellent speaker!)
· Then Antoinette Moore (a lawyer from NY, but now lives in Belize) lectured and we did activities on the diversity of Belize.
· All the trainees and I got two shots from the nurse today (Rabies 1 and Typhoid)
· After lunch we the country director (Steve Miller) talked about the policy in the Peace Corps. He discussed dress code and where about (meaning we can’t leave the country until we are officially a volunteer on Oct 22, 2009)
· Then Bryan Dwyer lectured on development in Belize (this was very interesting)
· Lastly the WID/GAD (Women in Development/ Gender and development) initiative and committee. I think I want to join this committee… I want to be a part of the girl’s summer camp called Camp GLOW (Girls Leading Our World).
When the day was over the education sector had to clean up at the headquarters. Then I was able to chat with people on the internet. I didn’t get home until 7pm. It was a very long day. I went to bed at 8pm and slept until 6:30 am! (I needed my rest… because I don’t know if it is allergies or not… but, I have been sneezing and blowing my nose a lot!)

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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