Friday, September 11, 2009

Trip to Punta Gorda!

Sunday September 6, 2009.
I believe today is Labor day in the states… however, we do not celebrate that here.
Today we travel to Toledo. I took so many picture… it was so green and beautiful. We had a fun bus ride… I bonded more with the ten education teacher trainers. I roomed with Emily. All the girls were supposed to sleep in the same room and play games (Apple to Apple) however, we were too tired because we traveled, went to dinner, and did a little touristing around Punta Gorda.

Monday September 7, 2009
There was a huge… and I mean huge lighting and thunder storm. Everywhere was flooded. The bridges that we needed to take were all completely flooded and we could not cross them. Therefore, we were not able to visit all of the schools that were on the agenda.
The schools (potential school sites) we visit are:
· Forest Home Methodist school
· Laguna
· Santa Teresa
· Silver Creek
· Big Falls
· Dangriga
The first school we visited was Forest Home Methodist School. I thought that school actually had very good experienced teachers with lots of resources.
Laguna was a very small school. It only had three teachers and 65 students. It was right in front of a huge mountain… that I would love to hike up on weekends.
Santa Teresa is the furthest school away… from civilizations (no water or electricity) Everyone predicted even my language facilitator thinks I will be here. However, Kevina and Greg really want to be there more than me because they want the hard core experience. (I just want internet… which I won’t probably get)
Silver Creek we did not see… because of the flooding. We saw Big Falls… I loved that school. They had lots of resources…. Internet and teacher books etc!!!!
Lastly we visited Dangrigia… we got to visit the Gurifina museum which was very interesting. The children were a little wild for me. They pulled my camera out of my hands and were screaming… I know I would need lots of behavior management plans if I was placed at that school.
We also visited the education department in Dangaria where someone will be placed. I don’t want to be placed there because that volunteer will not be working with children in schools L
It was a very long busy day… we had to wait 2 hours by the bridge while the city cleared the debris off of the bridge… we were supposed to get back at 4pm. I did not arrive back to my site until 7:30!
Then back to CBT (Community Base Training host family house)
This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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