Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The beginning of my horrible PARASITE!

Friday December 11, 2009

Women’s group meeting= Toledo Maya Women’s Council

Today I vomited 6 times on the bus (I vomited in the Christmas present that Mr. Garcia gave me… a huge basin bowl). SOOOO GROSS!)

Saturday December 12, 2009

All the ladies in my village cooked all day… I couldn’t because I was sick… I cant keep any food in my body. (I’m upset that I missed out on a cooking/baking lesson)

Sunday December 13, 2009

Julian Cho High School Marathon Fundraiser

We raised 267 dollars!!!! YAY we might be able to get internet soon!

We sold tamales, garnoches, chips and dip, ideals, popcorn, and cake.

We had games… punchboard. (Since I did not eat… I did not get sick at the fundraiser!)

Monday December 14, 2009

I taught Writer’s Workshop and ran the lab from 4-8

I am still sick. I run home from school because I can’t hold any food down.

Tuesday December 15, 2009

K’ekchi and no Karate because of my parasite issue.

Still sick  I called my nurse to ask her what is wrong with me. She said if it lasted fewer days it would have been food poisoning. However, since it lasted this long… it is an intestinal parasite in my TUMMY! AHHH… I have a worm in my stomach. I just keep getting more and more hard core… and living life in the jungle of Belize lol!

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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