Friday, May 7, 2010

K’eckhci Training in Tumulkin

Later in that week (actually Jan 21... my mom's bday!... Happy Birthday MOM)  I was out of my village for K’ekchi Language training. We had a 3 day practice course in Tumulkin (a high school far back in villages.) The students there go to school for 2 weeks and then get off the 3rd week. They live in dorm during the 2 weeks they are there at school. Then they go home for the third week. The high school students do that all year. We have a couple students who attend Tumulkin High School in Laguna Village.

All us first year K'ekchi Volunteers got together to have a 3 day session on K'ekchi. We stayed in the dorms and had lots of laughs!

Tumulkin is very beautiful. We went to a river and cave there which was so nice… however, I hate these old navy flip flops I fall in them every day. A couple of us went to the cave and I lagged behind because of my shoes and because I wanted to take so many pictures. Hahahah

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