Saturday, August 14, 2010

Festival of the Arts

The week of May 17- 21, 2010 was festival of the Arts in PG. There were lots of different arts and crafts one day. I saw such a variety. Laguna did not place however, they had very creative items.
Also, there were performances. I taught my girls a dance to the Slum Dog Millionaire song. It was stressful because I only had one week to teach the girls (and honestly you kinda can’t learn and perfect a dance that quickly). The girls did their best and I was happy for them!

Also, Victoria one Std. 6 girl wrote an essay about how she almost died from her snake bite. I sat there and helped her proof read it. We talked about the story for a while. She submitted it to the festival of arts in expressive writing category. She won first place!!! YAY GO Victoria!

Side note I have no pics of the crafts because my computer broke this week!!!

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