Thursday, October 28, 2010

New K'ekchi clothes!

Saturday October 9, 2010

I went to a Laguna villager’s house who speaks Spanish. She is from Guatemala. She went to Guatemala recently because her son has a broken foot and needed an operation (it was cheaper to take him to Guatemala for the surgery than to have it done in Belize).

She invited me to go with her to Guatemala. She has lots of family there. I said no because Peace Corps has a ban on us from going there. Ever since the rainy season there has been too many natural disasters, so no Peace Corps can go there. I had her pick me up some items though. I asked for more uk (K’ekchi skirt fabric.) She also picked me up a couple cute inexpensive tanks and shirts. She made my skirts for me, which was unexpected. With the extra material she made me a cell phone case, a bag to hold my water bottle in, and a change purse. Everything she got for me was gorgeous and such a surprise. I felt like it was Christmas… I haven’t gotten new things in a while. And all my stuff is getting old, especially the all the stuff that is washed daily in the river.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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