Saturday, February 26, 2011

Village Planning Workshop

Sunday December 19, 2010
Today was the Village Planning Workshop.

First we discussed the profile of Laguna Village. For example, there are 48 families in Laguna; 257 people in Laguna. 98% is K’ekchi, Mopan 2%, Mestizo 2%, Other… me the PCV!!!

The languages in the village are Kekchi and English. Most couples are married; however, we also have a few common law marriages. There are two religions in the Village: House of Prayer and Pentecostal

Laguna Government was the first government school in Toledo. It was built by a church group about 30 years ago.

Economic Structure is 80% Subsistence Farming. There are some government workers (police and Belize Defense Force). There is logging and hunting, but it is not commercial.

Things we need to develop for Laguna is a boardwalk for the wild life sanctuary in Laguna Village.

Some strengths of Laguna are:

• Good governance: chairman, alcalde, supportive.
• Water and Electricity infrastructure
• Sustainable farming among community; fertile land
• Education
• Healthy productive force; people work and produce
• Religious; stabilize and bring people together
• Tourism; cave, people, culture, aguacalient, wildlife sanctuary
• Guest House Group (potential tourism)

Some weaknesses of Laguna
• Collaboration, low community participation
• Small population holds us back
• Leadership
• Community management (land, trees, garbage, and animals.
• Migration
• Skills
• Marketing products

Opportunities for Laguna
• Tourism!!!

At the end of the meeting we prioritized an education list of needs that are really important to the village:


1- Scholarships
2- New School building
3- Internet
4- Library
5- Government Preschool
6- Recreation
7- Better Bus
8- Community Board

1- Hurricane Shelter
2- Farmers Road
3- Rice trasher
4- Cacao dryer
5- Street lights
6- Recreational facility
7- Tourism

We will meet again to discuss actions taken to reach our goals.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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