Friday, May 13, 2011

Mothers day/Trainees visit

Sunday May 8, 2011

Today again the Coc family made breakfast (egg/mulb, tomato/pishb and flour tortilla/arin… English/kekchi word)

Then we went on the usual hike (up Laguna Mountain and cave). However, we only made it to cave- both trainees have weak ankles so they didn’t go inside. No lagoon today because the boardwalk is still too rough and broken up.

After the hike we visited the Shols and we ended up discussing about the skill of thatching.

After that I went home to call my mom and my fam and friends who are mothers; while the trainees enjoyed Hammock time. It is good that I have two hammocks in my house. For dinner Marla made spaghetti. Then Barbra and I went to the House of Prayer Church for a bit and then to bed early we went.

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