Friday, May 13, 2011

No Bus System, but celebrating our School System....

Wednesday May 4, 2011

Today I taught preschool. I did miss my preschoolers!

So yesterday I found out that the Shols (owner of the bus company in Laguna) sold their bus. Now there is no bus system in Laguna. We are stranded. It is tough to go to town now. We need to bike or walk the 3 miles and then catch a bus to town. It will be difficult getting my fruits and vegetables, as well as any heavy groceries. It will be impossible for me to get my 5 gallon water jug filled. I am extremely upset that we have no bus. The Shols reason for stopping was good though: fuel has gone up 4 dollars in the last 2 months and we have such a small village they were actually losing money than gaining.

So today I had to go to town to get money from the bank because tomorrow I will need to pay the cuxtal trainer. Therefore, I biked in the absolute pouring rain to get to the junction. I was soaked everywhere. It was not fun. Reality has sunken in. I am no longer on vacation.

Once I made it back from town there was a ceremony for Mr. Jean Propher. He is one of the founders of Laguna Government School; he even helped build it in 1976. It was an honor to meet him.

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