Monday, September 26, 2011

Back to school… Teacher orientation

Monday August 15, 2011
 Today I woke up to a text from my principal that we are having teacher orientation at Laguna Government School today at 8:30 am. I got up, did an insanity workout, and went to school to meet the two new teachers! They are very nice. They are young new teachers! I think I can mentor them a lot. The one is studying to get her Bachelors degree in Primary education and has taught for 2 years and the other one is still working on her associates in primary education. Then my principal/counterpart Mr. Garcia is back teaching standard V & VI. Ms. Rose is also back, but she will be teaching standard III & IV this year. Overall, I enjoyed the staff orientation today.
Ms. Neisha & Mr. Garcia

Ms. Josie and Ms. Rose

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