Monday, September 26, 2011

The blessing of the pastor and Ernesto’s 8th birthday party!!!

Sunday August 14, 2011
Today was a busy day for me. When I was coming back from the creek a few days ago the pastor of the Pentecostal invited me to go to church today and take photos. It was the first time he ever talked to me in English. I was very impressed (he is from a back village-Jalacte) and I thought he didn’t speak any English; however, I understood him very well.  Therefore, today I woke up early to attend the church service. I took pictures of them blessing the pastor and renewing his values as pastor to continue preaching in the Pentecostal Church. 

I had to leave church early because I asked to help at Ernesto’s (my kid neighbor) birthday party. I was in charge of the games for the kids that were invited. The party was so nice. They had chips and dip, chicken, rice and beans, and potato salad with party bag and games. Poor Ernesto was so sad that someone stole his two motorcycles toys out of his bag. I asked him the next day if he had a good birthday… he said “no because some thief my motorcycles!” I enjoyed myself though. We played piñata, pass the balloon, and pop the balloon racing contests!

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