Monday, September 26, 2011

Celebrating our two year anniversary.... TOBACCO CAYE!!!

Tabacco Caye
Friday September 9, 2011
Today I and the other second year Peace Corps volunteers went to Tobacco Caye to celebrate our 2 year anniversary of Peace Corps… and our COSing! I like the way lonely planet describes Tobacco Caye… “Tiny Tobacco Caye, 200 yd long, 100 yd wide and mainly sandy, sits right on the barrier reef 12 miles from Dangriga. With half a dozen places to stay, it’s popular with travelers on a limited budget looking for the Gilligan’s Island experience. The atmosphere is sociable and friendly. At most accommodation all guests eat at the same time, and three places have bars open to all.”

 Celebrating 2 years of Peace Corps Service
Saturday September 10, 2011

I love spending time with other Peace Corps Volunteers. I feel that I have really bonded with all of them in the past two years of this incredible but tough Peace Corps experience.

 Sunday September 11, 2011
Today I headed back to Laguna early. I finished my book and had a productive day, until I took a long nap… from the long medical week and fun weekend!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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