Friday, September 11, 2009

Battle of St. Georges National Day!

Thursday September 10, 2009
Today is NATIONAL DAY (Battle of St. Georges Caye)!!! I am planning to participate in the cultural festivities!
My host mom woke me up at 6am to learn how to kneed the dough for the tortillas. It is hard work, but I found it fun too!...While cooking I also did my laundry. Next, I drew a community map with Marah… I am going to do it where the children gather. That was one of my projects I needed to do.
Then there is a Parade in Belmopan (the countries capital)! Hopefully many of the trainees will be there! We are supposed to go to Independence Park at 2pm. Then I will be going to Greg and Kevinia’s house to have a dinner celebration. Kevina is going to kill a chicken and we all are going to help prepare the meal.
(She killed it and then cried… she wanted to be a good maya women… however, she also is a vegetarian. She said she had to saw his neck off and it was a slow painful death… bc the host mom said she didn’t want a mess.
The parade was great!... there were venders and lots of stuff to do there. It was on Belizean time… meaning everything starts an hour or two later than the planed time. It said it would begin at 2pm… but, it did not begin until 4.
Hopefully (even though I have the day off) I get some of my projects accomplished too! Training is a lot of work!

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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