Saturday, October 3, 2009

Beautiful Belize ZOO

Saturday September 26, 2009

Today we went to the Belize ZOO! I was so happy we were able to go on a beautiful sunshine day! (It was supposed to rain all weekend; however, it did not rain while we were at the zoo… hip hip hurrah!)
We met at the Resource Center to get picked up at 8am to go on our Belize Zoo Field Trip! (I love field trips!) 9-noon we were at the zoo. We took a tour of “The Best Little Zoo in the World,” which it was. We saw tapirs, parrots, tigers, jaguars, puma, toucan, eagle, peccary, pelicans, storks, punk rock chicken, scarlet macaw, gibnut, monkeys that sound like dinosaurs… they are called the howler monkey, pigs, crocodile, wild turkeys, owls and much much more!
I even got to hold a snake! I took lots and lots of pictures… check facebook! J
It was 10 dollars to enter the zoo… we got a Peace Corps discount. There were other trainee groups there too! I walked around with the K’ekchi and Spanish teacher… try to learn some new words.
After the zoo we went to the art box. It was really neat. There were pretty art and wood work. I bought “kushtal” = Belizean purse. I bought a colorful wallet and flip-flop earrings as well as a watermelon/ladybug hair tie/bracelet. Greg had coffee… and said it was the best in Belize…
Next we ate a more American restaurant… we got subs, pasta, pizza etc. After that Greg, Kevina, Amy and I went to the resource center to decorate for the party. We made:
· Posters/banners
· Paper chains
· Paper lanterns
· Paper flower arrangements
· Paper shooting stars
· Wrote on the chalkboard… how much we will miss our host families!!!
We went to the grocery store and market and bought all the food for the party. The Peace Corps gave us two hundred dollars to spend for the party… food and decorations… we only went 18 dollars over.

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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