Saturday, October 3, 2009

Host Family Party

Sunday September 27, 2009

Host Family Party… another going away party…
Today I got up at 6:30am. The trainees came over to my host family’s house to start cooking for the day. We are having a party for all the host family’s to say goodbye and thank you for all that they did. They took us in for a month and a half… and welcomed and took care of us.
For the party we made:
· Baked Chicken
· Rice and beans
· Spaghetti
· Guacamole
· Chips
· Potato salad
· Cucumber salad
· Watermelon
· Banana bread
It took all morning… and we did a lot of it last minute. My host mother was very concerned that we would run out of time and that it would not taste well.
However, everything went well (and I got to do my laundry). The party was from 12-3pm and was a huge success. We had a lot of fun. We played a huge game of “Go Fish.” We used two decks for 15 people. I loved how many kids attended the party. (I took so many pictures… and laughed so much with all the children.) At the end of the party… some of the neighborhood kids came in for some spaghetti… they really enjoyed it!
After the game we went home and got ready for the meeting. It was my fifth time to a Jehovah Witness meeting. Everyone was very nice… and sad that I am leaving to go down south this week.
Friday is the big day when I will find out where I will be placed for the next 2 years. It could be Laguna, Sainta Teresa, Big Falls, or Silver Creek (those are the K’ekchi speaking schools/sites!)
I can’t wait to find it out less than a week away.
Random things I want to mention:
Belize does not have a day light savings. It gets dark at around 6pm. My host family closes there doors when the sun comes down because the bugs come in the house! However, all day the doors and windows are wide open and welcoming all day (with no screens). The Peace Corps recommends doing the same thing when I get my own place… it is Mayan customs to be welcoming… and never close off your house from visitors.

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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