Saturday, October 3, 2009

Training (Language Classes, Tech Classes, and Assessments)

Tuesday September 29, 2009

This morning we had language class on renting houses (again) in Belize. We were supposed to watch a video on hurricane Iris; however, we could not get a vcr to watch it on.
After language we had lunch. Celestino and I were the only ones home because everyone else was at the hospital because the flu is going around and everyone is getting sick. They are sending any kid home that coughs…
From 1-3 Anthony did a session on our Project Indicator Outcomes. It is getting exciting talking about our future primary and secondary projects. We then discussed what motivates us and what motivates others.
Next, we had our self assessment interviews with Ginnie. I felt that I was being coincident because I feel that I did very well during PST (pre service training). The training was for 7 weeks and now we go to our official sites now that training is almost over. I am ready to be a volunteer on October 22, 2009!
I talked to Ginnie about how I really hope to have host siblings again (I love the kids in my host family). I want to get a good host family again. I also talked about getting a uniform for when I will be in schools. In Belize the teachers, principal, and students all wear uniforms, even in public, private, catholic, and Methodist schools.
After that we did our final preparations for our workshop tomorrow (on diagnostic reading tests). We also made a slide show for our CBT (Community Based Training Site Maya Mopan) presentations. We scrapped and collaged our pictures… Kevina, Greg, Amy and I. After that I practiced my workshop 30 minutes presentation. The rest of the family went to bed at 7pm because Mrs. Kus was fasting and told everyone to go to bed. She wasn’t feeling well and needed xrays in the morning. It was funny everyone got up at 8pm… bc they could not sleep. Therefore, they listened to me practice my presentation. Also Lorenzo (2year old) first was playing with my hair and then Mrs. Kus gave me a very nice French braid… and then off to bed.

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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