Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Life as an Official PCV!

The week back in Belmopan for our big day of SWEARING IN AS AN OFFICIAL VOLUNTEER!

October 18-23 (Belmopan)

Oct 18-20 Last days of our training…. sessions

Oct 21 CBT presentations, cross sector presentations, and talent show (talent show didn’t go that great for me… I had too many pictures to present. It is hard for me to cut out any pictures since I love them all!)

Oct 22 (9-1 pm) SWEARING IN! We became official Peace Corps Volunteers (I was first to receive my certificate… the ambassador shook my hand… messing up the whole order…I was a bit embarrassed.) I got to see my Maya Mopan family again! I was very happy.

(3-4) 1st year vs. 2nd year volunteers football game. I did well. I blocked a shot with my stomach (it stung very badly). However, we lost.

(6-10) The Ambassador House Party! It was beautiful and awesome.

(11-4am) After party… limbo, booty contest (I placed second), and lots of shots! Hehehhe

Things I forgot to mention:

The awards I won on swearing in… Most likely to adopt a pikni (the word child in Creole) in Belize and best photographer (one, two, and three). Also there was a limbo contest, which I lost. However, I did really well in the buns of steel contest (I placed 2nd only because did not dance). I found that contest torturous; but, somehow I did well.

This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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