Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Placencia (first mini vacation)

Oct 30, 2009

I am going to Placencia for the night. Today I traveled at 6 am to go to Placencia. I met Lilly and Taylor on the streets of Punta Gorda. There were many volunteers who went. I swam in the beautiful water and stayed on the beach all day. I have never swum in such warm nice water.

So many locals came up to me to sell me things… I get annoyed because they don’t realize that I am not a tourist. Placencia is very nice, but expensive.

Oct 31, 20009 (Halloween)

Back to Punta Gorda. I attended the BBQ for the House of Prayer/worship. They had a fundraiser to get instruments for the band. They charged five dollars a ticket. There is a lot of fund raising that needs to be done in Laguna.

(Kids don’t trick-or-treat in my village)

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