Thursday, October 28, 2010

St. George’s Caye Day Weekend

September 10, 2010
The month of September is full of holidays. September 10 is St. George’s Caye Day. We had off from school; therefore, Amy and I went to Orange Walk and then Progresso village in Corzal. We had a long journey up there (about a 7 hour bus ride). We stopped at Christen’s house in Orange Walk. In OW they had a huge fair with all different rides, games, and food. It was lots of fun that night we just walked around to see all there was to do.

September 11, 2010

Amy and I woke up and got ready to go to Laura’s village of Progresso. We have never been to a northern village before. I was excited that it was a Spanish speaking village. I get to hear and practice a little Spanish while I am there.

Originally we were supposed to go to Laura’s going away party. She is finished her two years in Belize and is now going to serve two more years with Peace Corps in Jordon. However, we never got to have a party for Laura because when we got to the village and we found out that Laura’s host grandmother had just passed away. Laura attended the funeral while Amy and I stayed at Laura’s house. Laura lives right on a beautiful Lagoon. It is a very pretty site.

Amy and I got to go through Laura’s things and take what we wanted since she was moving in less than 10 days. Laura is such a hard worker she was still going to give a workshop just a week before she was leaving Belize.

The next day Laura gave us a tour of Progresso it is a big village, especially compared to Laguna Village. After the tour it was Laura’s host brother’s birthday so we made him mud cups (chocolate pudding with crushed chocolate cookies).

We went to Laura’s host family’s house and had escabeche, which is onion soup with factory made tortillas. They also gave us avocado, which up north they also call it pear. It was delicious.

Amy and I enjoyed our stay in Progresso it was a very relaxing time.

Ed meeting

Monday September 13, 2010

Amy, Laura, and I had to wake up at 3:30am to catch the bus to reach Belmopan by 9am. Peace Corps had all education volunteers meet with the district education officers of each district in the country. It was an extremely beneficial meeting. Also, the 2nd year volunteers who are now leaving September/October all got awarded for their excellent service to Belize education system.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

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