Saturday, February 26, 2011

Christening/ Mountain Cave Hike

December 26, 2010
I went to the House of prayer Church before Andrew because he was not used to getting up early and he to shower and get ready for church.

Once he arrived he said that we stuck out like sore thumbs because mostly everyone was a short maya kekchi Indian. He liked how they worship all together in the small church. Andrew called it a mini-church. He couldn’t understand anything that was said because the preaching and the singing were all done in K’ekchi. I was proud of myself that I can understand some things that were said or sung.

After the baptism we were invited to a party at the Acks. Andrew said it was not different than the U.S. – meaning that everyone knew everyone and that the hospitality was GREAT! He also said that the local people are extremely nice and polite; however, most of the kids were shy.

After the Party we went to Laguna Cave! I described the cave to Andrew and told him that caving is one activity in Laguna:

• Attractions near Laguna include ceremonial caves and pottery, skulls with their teeth still intact. Pictograph and another cave with a huge bat colony. From Laguna village it will take about a 30 minute hike to reach the high ladder that leads to the entrance of the cave. The ceiling of the cave has wide holes where the jungle canopy is visible. After hiking 30 minutes through the cave you will see the daylight; you have reached the entrance on the other side of the cave.

Eleven children guided Andrew and I up the mountain. Andrew said he wished he was young…Kids were like lightning bolts. They went so fast they forgot to chop the bush with the machetes. Even though it wasn’t rainy season it still was scary at some points. Andrew thought the top was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. He called his mom on top of the Laguna mountain just to tell her how amazing it was!

I found it more difficult to go back down because it was slippery. Andrew kept telling me to let gravity guide me down. Once we got down we got to try some coconuts and cacao fruits.

After the hike we showered and then went to Acks house. Andrew gave the father his hat and we all just chatted even though we were all extremely tired.

Two little girls came to slept over. Andrew said he thought they were kinda using me. They watch my movies and eat my food. They kept asking for more and more. Now I know I need to continue working on saying no… even to small children.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Background of Laguna

December 25, 2010

I gave Andrew a background history of Laguna once he arrived.

What I told him:

History of Laguna Village
• Laguna gets its name from the magnificent Aguacaliente Lagoon which borders the quiet village on the west.
• It was founded in 1959 when three families moved from San Miguel to avoid a dispute over pigs that were charged with destroying a neighboring community’s crops. As a result of its close proximity to Punta Gorda, Laguna is considerably more modernized compared to most of the other Mayan villages.
• A trip to the Agualcaliente Wildlife Sanctuary offers great hiking and birding through the lowland swamps. Best done during dry season.

Amenities of Laguna:
• Village has electricity (even though I have one light bulb in my house of 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen and living area.)
• Village has community phone (however, most people have had cell phones since December 2009—including me!)
• Village has a central water system (which I can actually drink from).
• 1 primary school (Laguna Government School) and 1 preschool (Chabil Chahim Preschool)
• A couple stores (that have very few items in it… I do most my shopping in PG town).
• Health Post that just reopened June 2010.
• The village has a TEA guesthouse which offers a room for 18.50 Bz a night (9.00 U.S). Meals are available at extra cost.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Christmas Day/Andrew Arrives!

December 25, 2010
I was so ecstatic to see Andrew. I was late picking him up because James bus line only had 6am, 10am, and 3pm bus. Andrew’s plane arrived at 11 and I reached the airport around 12:30. He was glad that he didn’t get stuck at the airport because of snow. We were really lucky/blessed!

Andrew rented a car. We rode from Belize City to Laguna all of Christmas day! Andrew thought Belize City looked really run down. However, once we reached the highway the nature was beautiful. We even took some pictures of the trees, hills, and sleeping giant. In Andrew’s words “The scenery was intense.”

We tried to stop for Christmas dinner; however, EVERYTHING was closed. We stopped at one restaurant because it looked packed; however, the owner came outside and said this is a private Christmas party. It was a long 5 hour drive—yet I enjoyed it so much because of the company I was with!!!

We arrived at Laguna around 5:30pm. Once we arrived at the village we yelled Y’oos (which means good morning, good afternoon, and good night in K’ekchi ). We drove around the village so that Andrew could get a quick tour. Andrew said that Laguna reminded him of the movie Willow, Lord of Rings, and Jurassic Park without the dinosaurs. He couldn’t believe how basic the houses were.

We were invited to two villager’s house (Shol’s and Ack’s). At the Shol’s house Andrew tried tamales with chicken and at the Ack’s house he tried belikin beer, flour tortillas, BBQ chicken, and cake! I left Andrew with Mr. Ack and the boys while the women and I went to cook/bake! Andrew didn’t really like the cuisine because of the texture. He realized that texture is more important than flavor.

It was so GREAT to spend my first Christmas with Andrew!!!!!!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Christmas Eve

Friday December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve night I went to the Pentecostal Church. It was over 6 hours long. I stayed for 5 ½ hours (7:00pm-12:30am). They sang many K’ekchi Songs, preached, and we gave a gift exchange. They also gave doughnuts and cacao as well as tamales (but I didn’t wait until the end for those…. I had to get to bed because Andrew was arriving in Belize Christmas morning!)

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.


Thursday December 23, 2010
Today is my Grammom’s 80th birthday! I am sad that I am not at home to celebrate at the William Penn Inn with my whole family!

Also today I had my G.L.O.W (Girls Leading Our World) club make Christmas cards for all the villagers and wrap and deliver Christmas cookies. When we delivered the cookies we sang: “We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year! We brought you some Christmas cookies, we brought you some Christmas cookies, and a Christmas card toooo!”

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

PC House Approval

Tuesday December 21, 2010
This morning I went for a walk and I met Nurse Jackie and Safety and Security Officer Daniel at Laguna junction. I directed them to my future possible house. The reason they were there was to approve or disapprove the house for me to live.

Both Nurse Jackie and Daniel loved the house. They made some recommendations that are needed before I move into it. (For example, put door on bedroom, board up walls, thatch higher to the roof, put in sink and shower etc.)

I am excited to move because I really hope when I move I will be healthier. The reason that Peace Corps is making me move is because I am constantly sick here in Belize. Peace Corps believes that it is my house that is making me sick because it is a very old house (it was built in 1980s). They think the mold, dust, rat and bat poop are making me ill!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Village Planning Workshop

Sunday December 19, 2010
Today was the Village Planning Workshop.

First we discussed the profile of Laguna Village. For example, there are 48 families in Laguna; 257 people in Laguna. 98% is K’ekchi, Mopan 2%, Mestizo 2%, Other… me the PCV!!!

The languages in the village are Kekchi and English. Most couples are married; however, we also have a few common law marriages. There are two religions in the Village: House of Prayer and Pentecostal

Laguna Government was the first government school in Toledo. It was built by a church group about 30 years ago.

Economic Structure is 80% Subsistence Farming. There are some government workers (police and Belize Defense Force). There is logging and hunting, but it is not commercial.

Things we need to develop for Laguna is a boardwalk for the wild life sanctuary in Laguna Village.

Some strengths of Laguna are:

• Good governance: chairman, alcalde, supportive.
• Water and Electricity infrastructure
• Sustainable farming among community; fertile land
• Education
• Healthy productive force; people work and produce
• Religious; stabilize and bring people together
• Tourism; cave, people, culture, aguacalient, wildlife sanctuary
• Guest House Group (potential tourism)

Some weaknesses of Laguna
• Collaboration, low community participation
• Small population holds us back
• Leadership
• Community management (land, trees, garbage, and animals.
• Migration
• Skills
• Marketing products

Opportunities for Laguna
• Tourism!!!

At the end of the meeting we prioritized an education list of needs that are really important to the village:


1- Scholarships
2- New School building
3- Internet
4- Library
5- Government Preschool
6- Recreation
7- Better Bus
8- Community Board

1- Hurricane Shelter
2- Farmers Road
3- Rice trasher
4- Cacao dryer
5- Street lights
6- Recreational facility
7- Tourism

We will meet again to discuss actions taken to reach our goals.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

School Closes for the Holiday Season

Friday December 17, 2010

Today was a day of clean up. Some standard 5 and 6 girls and I cleaned the computer lab immaculately! Miss Melanie and some girls cleaned the feeding program kitchen. Mr. Garcia and the boys cleaned up the community center and the field. They chopped and mowed the grass. Miss Filberta and her class cleaned the bathrooms and sinks.

All teachers and students organized and cleaned their classrooms for the new year!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Christmas Party

Thursday December 16, 2010
Today the preschool and the primary school had their Christmas Party. The preschool’s food and dessert was donated by the Shol’s and Miss Jackaline. The primary schools food and dessert was donated by the Belize Defense Force (BDF).

Santa came and gave all the children treats and toys!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Christmas Entertainment 2010

Wednesday December 15, 2010
Today was Laguna Government Schools Christmas Entertainment at the Community Center. My preschoolers participated, which was a surprise to the parents because they thought the preschools were too young and shy to perform.

My preschoolers did a tooty-tot, hockey pockey, and this is the way we plant the rice in Laguna Village.

The primary students sang songs, danced, and preformed plays. Overall it was a success. I did the welcome this year again… in KEKCHI!!!! YAY… and they said I did it very well!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

So sad to say bye to Paula

December 13, 2010

Today Paula and Cait went to the airport to go home. I was so sad to say goodbye.

After they left I had a doctor appointment to check on my bronchial asthma. At my appointment I found out that I don’t have bronchial asthma and instead I have a chronic severe form of a sinus infection. The doctor is a specialist and after reviewing my cat scan he said that I have had this for a long while and that I may have been treating the wrong symptoms the whole time. Therefore, he put me on a 15 day antibiotic and in the next 2 weeks I was to visit back for a check-up. If it was not cleared up he would have to put me asleep and drain my nose.

Thank goodness I didn’t scuba dive because you are not supposed to scuba with allergies or a little cold—let alone a chronic sinus infection!!!!

Missing Paula and Caitlyn… I had such a great week with them!!!

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.

Beautiful Caye Cauker and Friends!

December 11-12, 2010

We traveled to Belize City to get on the water taxi to go to Caye Cauker (a beautiful island!)

Caye Cauker is a small gorgeous island. There are no vehicles on the islands; except for golf carts or bikes to get you around. The population of Caye Cauker is about 1300 residents. The residents have traditionally made their living from the sea, specifically from lobsters and snapper that inhabit in warm waters. All the residents know each other and it wasn’t long until they knew Paula, Cait, and me. There are only 3 main streets on the island that run north to south.

The plan was to stay in Caye Cauker for two days and scuba dive. The island is known for its ideal base for diving adventures at the nearby reef. However, since we were all sick we didn’t get the chance. I was so stuffed up that I knew I would not be able to equalize.

Therefore, we signed up for Raggamuffin Tours which was a great snorkeling tour! Raggamuffin took us to three snorkeling stops where we saw sharks, sea turtles, mantel rays, and barrier reef. On the tour you could easily see the easygoing attitude, which is due in part to the thriving Rastafarian culture on the Caye, which pulses to a reggae beat (in which we took the tour guides CD and downloaded to my laptop!)

Paula and Cait said they could definitely have stayed for more than 2 days just to relax in hammocks and on the beach.

Disclaimer This website expresses the views of Grace Boswell, who is entirely responsible for its content. It does not express the views of the United States government, the Belize government, the Peace Corps or any other institutions named or linked to on these pages.